
CeVi collection

Collection of Biological Samples

The CeVi collection is a unique collection of cryopreserved viable human cells from lymphomas and reactive lymphoid tissues. It is structured around a national network of Biological Resource Centres (BRCs) and is dedicated to the use of CALYM consortium members and their partners, with the aim of accelerating lymphoma research.

This initiative brings together seven CALYM public research laboratories and their respective Biological Resource Centers designated as “CeVi Centers” in the project. The entire setup forms the CeVi network.

Biological resources constituting the CeVi collection come from samples taken within partner hospitals as part of patient care. With patient consent, unused samples are preserved in different Biological Resource Centers, included in the CeVi collection, and made available to research teams within the consortium and their partners.


Sub-collections complement the collection of CeVi samples.

  • CeVi CAR-T

To better understand and optimize new CAR-T cell treatments, the CeVi collection organizes the collection of samples from patients treated with CAR-T cells. To keep up with the latest developments in patient care and provide resources for research teams to address new questions associated with the introduction of CAR-T (Chimeric Antigen Receptor-T) cells, the CeVi collection has evolved. Since 2020, it has been enriched with samples taken from patients treated with CAR-T cells. CALYM and the CRYOSTEM network, the manager of the first European collection of biological resources dedicated to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, collaborated to create this sub-collection of carefully annotated biological resources from blood samples of lymphoma patients treated with CAR-T cells. Clinical data is accessible via the DESCAR-T registry of LYSARC and linked to the patient identifier of the EBMT ProMISe registry, updated by the member centers of the SFGM-TC.


The REALYSA study, resulting from a partnership between the Hospices Civils de Lyon, LYSA/LYSARC, Inserm, and the FRANCIM cancer registry network, is a real-life study involving adult patients with lymphomas in France. This study collects epidemiological, clinical, and biological data and aims to include and follow 6000 patients with lymphomas (major subtypes) across France over a duration of 9 years. Patient follow-up will improve knowledge about lymphomas and patients’ lives. In the context of the REALYSA study, under the condition that the CeVi Consent is signed, blood tubes taken at baseline and at C3J1 are stored in the CeVi collection under the CeVi-REALYSA embargo. The goal is to bank as many triplets as possible: primary CeVi biological resource (node, marrow, tumor, …), blood samples at baseline and at C3J1 CeVi-REALYSA to enhance the value of these biological resources. CeVi-REALYSA samples are kept under embargo and will be requalified as CeVi at the end of the REALYSA clinical protocol

Learn more about REALYSA

The CeVi collection is committed to a quality assurance process.

The quality of samples is ensured by the NF S96-900:2011 and ISO 20387:2018 certification of partner CeVi BRCs, while the network’s management benefits from CALYM’s ISO 9001:2015 certification as “Coordination of the Collection of Living Lymphoma Cells – CeVi”. Additionally, the CeVi collection holds the “mature” performance label awarded by the French network of Biological Resource Centers 3C-R.

Participating BRC
Sampling tubes
Academic Investment Center

Accelerate lymphoma research

Collaborate with CALYM

The CeVi collection is an initiative of the Carnot Institute Calym aimed at meeting the needs of its members and their partners, whether from the public or private sector, by providing essential biological resources to address contemporary scientific challenges in the field of lymphoma:

  • Development of new in vitro and in vivo models
  • Functional immunology
  • Study of the tumor microenvironment
  • Study of the molecular heterogeneity of lymphomas
  • Identification of blood and tissue biomarkers for different types of lymphomas

The collected pathologies cover all subtypes of lymphomas, from the most common to the rarest:

  • Follicular lymphoma.
  • Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.
  • Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
  • T-cell lymphomas (peripheral, angioimmunoblastic…).
  • Other B-cell lymphomas: mantle cell, marginal zone, non-Hodgkin, Waldenström macroglobulinemia, Burkitt, lymphoplasmacytic, lymphocytic…
  • Hyperplasias…

Included lymphoid samples consist of lymph nodes, blood, bone marrow, pleural fluid, as well as other tissues and fluids that are sites of tumor proliferation. Depending on the type of sample and the quantity of available material, these samples will be prepared and stored long-term as cell suspensions, tissue fragments in Cryostor, plasmas, or dry pellets for DNA and RNA extraction.

The samples come with annotations including both biological and clinical data, linked to the sampling and the disease history.

The CeVi collection is a consortium collection designed to support the initiatives of its members, either for their own research projects or in the context of academic and industrial collaborations. These research projects also represent a scientific valorization of the collection. Each request for provision is examined by the institute’s Scientific Committee to provide the most suitable samples to researchers.

With our 11 years of experience, the broad range of expertise among our members, and the results of research projects benefiting from the use of CeVi samples, we can support you in designing your projects using our resources.

We can also support the creation of a customized cohort to specifically meet the needs of your project, in addition to the CeVi collection.

If you wish to access biological material from the CeVi collection, contact us at the following address: cevi@calym.org

Project Communication
CeVi CAR-T – SFGM-TC 2022 View the poster
CeVi CAR-T – IACH 2022
View the poster
CeVi CAR-T – SFGM-TC 2021 View the poster
CeVi CAR-T – IACH 2021 View the poster
CeVi CAR-T – CTI360 2020 CeVi CAR-T: a collection and a network
CeVi CAR-T -EBMT 2020 View the poster
CeVi – SFH 2020 View the poster
CeVi CAR-T -EBMT 2019 View the presentation
CeVi CAR-T  View the poster
Years of experience
Research projects

Consult our sample database CeVi


Patient information

Support Lymphoma Research

During your medical consultation, essential biological samples (tissues, blood, cells, stool, or other biological fluids) were taken to establish a diagnosis and potentially tailor your treatment. In cases where the sample was not fully utilized, we sought your consent to retain the remaining specimen and include it in the CeVi collection of biological samples. These elements are preserved, regardless of the diagnosis, even if you do not exhibit any pathology, at one of the seven CeVi network centers before their use for lymphoma research purposes. Your biological resources, along with biological and clinical data, constitute a vital source of real-world data essential for understanding diseases and making significant advances in patient care.

A collection of human biological samples “results from the gathering, for scientific purposes, of biological samples taken from a group of identified and selected individuals based on clinical or biological characteristics of one or more members of the group, as well as derivatives of these samples” (Public Health Code). These collections are often formed for specific purposes, such as scientific, medical, or clinical research. The samples are made available to researchers and scientists to develop diagnostic tests, identify new biomarkers, develop new therapies, understand and limit the side effects of a drug, etc.

Your samples may be used in lymphoma research projects and will be stored until exhaustion at one of the biological resource centers participating in the CeVi collection. We anticipate analyses from both healthy and/or tumor tissues on live cells and their derivatives, including DNA, RNA, and proteins derived from samples. An examination of your genetic characteristics may also be necessary to study genetic markers related to lymphoma pathology. We also propose, during your standard care, and if your health allows, to collect additional samples and/or blood tubes for the collection within the limits of volumes and quantities defined by current regulations, to supplement information about your disease. In accordance with the law (art.16.6 of the civil code), this sampling cannot lead to any remuneration for your benefit.

The analysis of these samples will also require the collection of medical data about you. To preserve your privacy and ensure the respect of medical confidentiality, the collected data will never reveal your name or address explicitly. Only coded data will be subject to analyses and publications. The data concerning you will remain strictly confidential and will not be made public. Your coded data will be transmitted to CALYM, the data processing controller (CHU Lyon Sud Building 2D 69495 Pierre Bénite cedex). They may be transmitted to contractual partners, in France, inside or outside the European Union, under conditions ensuring their confidentiality. If the recipient of the data is in a country that does not provide security levels equivalent to European levels, CALYM will ensure through specific contractual clauses that its partner undertakes to ensure the protection of your data. In any case, all parties involved are required to maintain the confidentiality of your data. Your data may also be reused in analyses combining data from multiple lymphoma studies or registries for research purposes or to advance science and public health.

At any time during or after the study, authorized CALYM personnel or its representatives, as well as health authorities, may have direct access to your medical record to verify the accuracy of the collected data, unless you object. In these circumstances, your identity may be revealed. All persons involved are bound by medical confidentiality.

Regarding Your Data

You have the right to access all data collected about you and, if necessary, request corrections if your data proves to be inaccurate, supplement them if they are incomplete, or limit them if the collection of certain data is not justified. You also have the right to object to the transmission and exploitation of data covered by medical confidentiality. These rights can be exercised at any time with your investigating physician, who is the only one aware of your identity and will inform the Carnot Institute CALYM, and potentially its Data Protection Officer, while maintaining your anonymity. Similarly, if you have questions or complaints about the processing of your data, or if you want to obtain a copy of the Standard Contractual Clauses, you must first contact your investigating physician, who can direct your request, if necessary, to the Data Protection Officer or to the one in charge at the center treating you.

Withdrawal of Consent

You can oppose at any time to the use for research purposes of stored samples without consequences for the type and quality of your care. If you need to withdraw your consent, data collected before your withdrawal may still be used if their deletion would compromise the achievement of the study’s objectives. After your withdrawal of consent, no new data will be collected. Finally, you can file a complaint about the processing of your data with the National Commission on Informatics and Liberties – CNIL (www.cnil.fr).


Name: Professor Thierry Fest

Address: CHU Pontchaillou, rue Henri Le Guilloux – 35 033 Rennes Cedex
